SAM User Forum 3824 topics
Welcome to the SAM user forum! Use the forum categories below to get help using SAM, the SAM SDK, or building SAM from the open source repositories.
Please do a search before posting a question in case it has already been answered. This forum is moderated. When you post an item, it will be published after it is approved. To start a discussion or participate in an existing one, you will need to register or log on to the website. |
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General SAM How-To 3436 topicsForum for SAM users to discuss how to use the software to model different kinds of renewable energy systems, financial structures, sources of input data, and any other questions or comments about SAM.
Moderators: Paul Gilman
Software Development Kit (SDK) and PySAM 356 topicsDiscussion and questions about using the
SAM Software Development Kit (SDK)
to write applications that interact with the SAM Simulation Core (SSC) application programming interface (API). This covers PySAM, the SDKtool, and SAM's code generator for Python, C++, LK for SDKtool, MATLAB, Java, and VBA.
Moderators: Paul Gilman
SAM Open Source 28 topicsForum for questions and discussion about building the open source version of SAM using the
GitHub code repositories
for SAM, SSC, WEX, and LK. To report issues with the code in these repositories, please use GitHub Issues for the relevant repository.
Moderators: Paul Gilman
Announcements 4 topicsMessages from the SAM development team to announce webinars, upcoming software releases, and other SAM-related events and news.
Moderators: Paul Gilman