The following SAM-related events are opportunities for you to learn about SAM and to meet members of the SAM development team.

Upcoming Webinars

SAM webinars are free, live online events that consist of a presentation, demonstration, and Q&A session. To register for a webinar, click a link below and complete the GoTo Webinar registration form.

  • There are no scheduled webinars.

Recent Webinar Recordings

For recordings of past webinars, see the "Videos" pages listed in the navigation bar at left.

The following links are to recordings of the 2024 webinar series:

Round Tables

The SAM team holds monthly 30-minute online round tables where you can ask questions about using SAM or provide feedback about new features or improvements you would like to see in the model.

Round tables are free, but you must register in advance to participate.

Conferences and Professional Meetings

Members of the SAM team plan to participate in the following upcoming professional meetings:

  • No meetings scheduled

Virtual Conferences

SAM Virtual Conferences are periodic online meetings where SAM users present research and other work they've done using SAM.