Cannot get weather file for long = -111.9728826 and latitude = 33.7418135

  • Wael
  • Topic Author
15 Sep 2021 08:44 #10066 by Wael
The problem we faced is that we can't get the weather file for the following  coordinates ; longitude =  -111.9728826  and latitude = 33.7418135 .
We added a print statement to see what's causing the error ( the print added is at line 503)

/site-packages/PySAM/ in _NSRDB_worker(self, job)
    502                     else:
    503                         print(data_response.text)
--> 504                         data_response_json = data_response.json()
    505                         print( 'Request failed for {}\n{}'.format(data_url,data_response_json[0]))
    506                         return

We got a 404 response with the following details : 

<li>Code: NoSuchKey</li>
<li>Message: The specified key does not exist.</li>
<li>Key: data/solar/80629_33.73_-111.98_........csv</li>

Notice that the Key contains 2 decimal places only values of the longitude and latitude, but in our case it's returning the error. 
 However, when we truncate those values to 2 decimal places on our own ( -111.97, 33.74), we get the file correctly. 

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  • pgilman
16 Sep 2021 14:18 - 16 Sep 2021 14:19 #10073 by pgilman
Hi Wael,

I was not able to replicate that result. For example, this request for a TMY file from the psm3-tmy endpoint returns a weather file with data:


(You will need to replace <APIKEY> and <EMAIL> with your NREL Developer API key and email address.)

Keep in mind that increasing the precision of the latitude/longitude values will not improve the result of your queries, so you may want to use less precise values if doing so avoids this problem.

Best regards,
Last edit: 16 Sep 2021 14:19 by pgilman.

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  • racheldavis
15 Oct 2021 14:01 #10138 by racheldavis
Hi Paul, 
I wanted to follow back up on this issue because our team is still seeing similar behavior to what Wael described on 9/16. What Wael described was initially resolved by truncating the values so we only send 2 decimal places. However, we continue to run into similar scenarios. It’s important to note that we are getting the weather files by using the pysam.resourcetools.

Scenario which occurred Oct 14, 2021 11:56:38 PM UTC ·      We provided the lat = 38.0719145 and lon = -78.8858964 and received back a 404 error·      Then we tried sending lat = 38.07 and lon = -78.88 and received back a 404 error·      Next we tried lat = 38.071 and lon = -78.885 and it succeeded We are a little stumped as to why we continue to see these error messages and then they seem to be resolved when we send a different number of decimals. What additional information can we provide to assist in debugging this?

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  • pgilman
15 Oct 2021 18:37 #10141 by pgilman
Hi Rachel,

Can you send examples of the URLs you are using to make these requests? That will help us troubleshoot.

There are several different API endpoints for the National Solar Radiation Database, so I want to be sure my tests are for the same endpoints.

Best regards,

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