I am trying to pass 8760 worth of solar resource data directly into the pvwatts5 module using the Python SDK. Using the module browser, I can see that the 'solar_resource_data' SSC_TABLE is the right input. But when I run using it, I get the cryptic error message:
exec fail(pvwattsv5): subhourly weather files must specify the minute for each record time -1
I am using 8760 hourly data, so it is not sub-hourly and I AM providing minutes, just in case. So does this error mean that I have otherwise populated or formatted the data incorrectly? Why is it assuming sub-hourly?
My 'solar_resource_data' passed in looks like this. Should they all be arrays (i.e. repeat even the scalar values)?:
arr: df [ [0.0, 0.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: dn [ [0.0, 0.0] + 8758 more. ]
num: tz -7.0
arr: month [ [1.0, 1.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: wspd [ [1.5, 0.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: tdry [ [9.0, 9.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: hour [ [0.0, 1.0] + 8758 more. ]
num: lon -117.317375183
num: elev 100.0
arr: year [ [2011.0, 2011.0] + 8758 more. ]
num: lat 33.1093215942
arr: day [ [1.0, 1.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: minute [ [0.0, 0.0] + 8758 more. ]
arr: gh [ [0.0, 0.0] + 8758 more. ]