
  • Guilherme Gomes de Assis
  • Topic Author
17 Jul 2024 21:23 #13320 by Guilherme Gomes de Assis
PV-Battery was created by Guilherme Gomes de Assis
Hello, I am conducting academic research on a hybrid photovoltaic system as an energy supply for a load, but with zero export to the grid, leaving it for local consumption. I would like to understand ways I can achieve these results; I am using the single owner format.I tried using the grid limits by changing the value to 0 kWac; however, there was an error where the graph for the Photovoltaic System Electrical Output by Month appeared in such a way that it indicated no photovoltaic energy production. What could have happened?   

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  • Paul Gilman
18 Jul 2024 17:57 #13324 by Paul Gilman
Replied by Paul Gilman on topic PV-Battery

In order to model "local consumption" I think you will need to use a behind-the-meter financial model like the Commercial model and use the inputs on the Electric Load page to specify the load for local consumption.

I think that graph is from the PDF report. I would recommend using tables and graphs from SAM's results page so that you can see the variables values themselves. The PDF report generator processes the data to display in the report, and it looks like it may not be working properly in this case.

People use the term "hybrid system" in different ways, so I'm not sure if you are modeling a PV+Storage system or a system with multiple power generation sources like a PV - Wind - Battery system.

In any case, if you still need help understanding the results you are getting, please attach a copy of your .sam file and let me know what outputs you have questions about.

Best regards,

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  • Guilherme Gomes de Assis
  • Topic Author
18 Jul 2024 19:34 #13326 by Guilherme Gomes de Assis
Replied by Guilherme Gomes de Assis on topic PV-Battery
Olá, obrigado por responder à minha pergunta anterior.
Minha intenção original era dimensionar um sistema de Gerador PV-Bateria-Diesel, com o Gerador Diesel servindo como backup nos casos em que não há energia solar suficiente e as baterias são descarregadas. No entanto, não consegui encontrar o formato que queria, então decidi usar apenas PV-Battery.
Mas é inteiramente para consumo local, embora eu ainda não tenha o método correto. Se você pudesse me ajudar, eu agradecia.
Detalhes do sistema: 

File Attachment:

File Size:978 KB

168 módulos solares de 475 Wp
Inversor híbrido monofásico de 8 kW
Banco de baterias de lítio de 200 Ah/48 V


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  • Paul Gilman
19 Jul 2024 10:28 #13330 by Paul Gilman
Replied by Paul Gilman on topic PV-Battery

Thank you for sending your .sam file.

SAM assumes the system is grid-connected and does not have a model for hybrid power systems with generator backup. To model an off-grid PV-battery-diesel hybrid, you could consider "Electricity from grid" to be power generated by the diesel generator.

For an off-grid system designed to meet a local electricity consumption, I would recommend using the PV-Battery / Commercial configuration. You can then specify the local consumption on the Electricity Load page, and dispatch the battery to minimize grid usage (or diesel usage).

Your file uses the PV-Battery / Single Owner configuration. For the Single Owner model, SAM assumes that all power generated by the system goes to the grid, and dispatches the battery to maximize revenue.

Best regards,

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  • Guilherme Gomes de Assis
  • Topic Author
19 Jul 2024 11:07 #13331 by Guilherme Gomes de Assis
Replied by Guilherme Gomes de Assis on topic PV-Battery
Olá, neste caso, é possível usar o software para simular o uso de um gerador a diesel em um sistema onde quando há energia solar insuficiente, as baterias são descarregadas e a rede elétrica não está disponível? Em outras palavras, funcionaria como um último recurso para o fornecimento de energia. O link do sistema está anexado abaixo.  
Se não, como configurar um sistema PV-Battery para que quando houver excesso de produção de energia solar, tudo seja consumido internamente, sem exportar para a rede.Considerando que é um sistema PV Storage e estou alimentando cargas críticas, que estarão ligadas o tempo todo e qualquer desligamento causará prejuízos. Existem links para me ajudar a modelar este sistema? O arquivo .sam que eu tentei fazer esse uso está anexado abaixo.  

File Attachment:

File Name: LABCLIM(CO...IAL).sam
File Size:152 KB

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  • Paul Gilman
19 Jul 2024 11:20 #13332 by Paul Gilman
Replied by Paul Gilman on topic PV-Battery

You can use the inputs on the Grid Outage page to model a system with storage designed to meet a critical load through one or more grid outages.

As I mentioned before, SAM does not have a model for the backup diesel generator, but you can treat power from the grid as power from a generator and caclulate the cost of fuel outside of SAM. This requires designing the system so that it does not send excess power to the grid, which you can do by setting the interconnection limit on the Grid Limits page to zero.

Best regards,

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