error - big generation on the first two hours of january the first

  • Denise
  • Topic Author
01 Dec 2020 18:13 #9043 by Denise
I don't know how to research this error.

I am working with northeastern Brazil. In the CSP technologies with storage (parabolic cylinder and solar tower), a large and strange generation appears, sometimes corresponding to the highest generation hours of the day, in the first two hours of January 1st.

Usually in the other months of the year the averages of the first two hours are negative, only in January are positive because of this record, only on the 1st. What could it be?

Thanks a lot, 


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  • Paul Gilman
02 Dec 2020 13:46 #9046 by Paul Gilman
Hi Denise,

Would you mind attaching a copy of your .sam file so I can investigate?

Best regards,

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  • Denise
  • Topic Author
02 Dec 2020 16:07 #9049 by Denise
Dear Paul,

this .SAM has three misteries for me, I already mentioned at the SAM FORUM:

1) a big generation at the first two hours of january the first (see PTCA_PETRO_COR);

2) an error when I try to simulate PTSA_RECIFE_COR with the altered version of the tmy file (the one is selected)

3) for some reason at the PTCA_PETRO_COR (it is happening in all cases of parabolic trough with storage, not happening at parabolic trough withouth storage), although I selected "uniform dispatch" at REVENUE window, in the last hours of the day, in some months, after sunset, the generation starts to reduce, then it rises around 20:00, 21:00, and then falls again. I cant explain why it rises after begining to fall...

Thans a lot for your cooperation.


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  • Paul Gilman
04 Dec 2020 17:56 #9064 by Paul Gilman
Hi Denise,

1. The PTCA_PETRO_COR case has storage, with the hot tank at 30% at the beginning of the simulation, so SAM dispatches energy from TES in the first couple of time steps until the TES is discharged. In general, you should be comfortable ignoring anomalies like this that only affect one or two hours of the 8760 hours in one year.

2. The simulation for the PTSA_RECIFE_CO using the corrected weather file for Recife was slow, but did complete for me.

3. As for the nighttime increase in output power, that seems to be triggered by the power cycle input temperature. When it drops below a certain point, the TES output increases until the power cycle input temperature is at the design point of 391 degrees C.

Best regards,

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  • Denise
  • Topic Author
05 Dec 2020 15:16 - 07 Dec 2020 11:10 #9067 by Denise
Thanks for your cooperation,

regarding the second point, that the simulation for the PTSA_RECIFE_CO using the corrected weather file for Recife was slow, but you completed it, my configuration is: (is it enough?)

and relatively to the third point, shouldnt it happen to solar tower with storage, if it happens with parabolic trough? But it doesnt, and at night, in solar tower plants modeled in the same sites, it begins to use storage, the generation decrease without interruption  until it ends.

3. As for the nighttime increase in output power, that seems to be triggered by the power cycle input temperature. When it drops below a certain point, the TES output increases until the power cycle input temperature is at the design point of 391 degrees C.

Best regards,

Last edit: 07 Dec 2020 11:10 by Paul Gilman.

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  • Paul Gilman
07 Dec 2020 11:27 #9069 by Paul Gilman
Hi Denise,

Your computer has enough resources to run SAM.

I may not have tested the correct combination of cases and weather files in my earlier tests. The PTSA_RECIFE_COR case with the "corrected" Recife weather file generates an error message about the piping model not converging. Please see the webinar recording "Updates to the Physical Trough Model in SAM 2018.11.11, Nov 2018" posted on the SAM CSP videos page at for a discussion of the pipe sizing algorithm that may help you troubleshoot this issue.

The physical trough and molten salt power tower models use the same TES control algorithm, so you should see similar results between the two.

Best regards,

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