Hi, I`m new to the SAM, and doing my first simulation of a PV panel. I want to enter a subsidy of 30% of the total cost, and was wondering how to implement this. How I understand it, it should be put under Investment Based Incentive (Presentage)? And further on, if this is the only "capital" in the project, should the same presentage be issued in the Residential Loan Parameters. This leading to a 70% dept fraction?
First of all, thanks for giving SAM a try. As you have questions, be sure to look for answers by searching both SAM's help system (F1 in Windows from any input page, or command-? in OS X) and this forum.
You can model the 30% subsidy on the Payment Incentives page, as a percentage under Investment Based Incentive (IBI).
The debt fraction on the Financing page is a separate input, and determines the size of the loan, as a percentage of the total installed cost.
Best regards,