
SAM 2020.11.29 for Mac


Download (dmg, 91.32 MB)


SAM 2020.11.29 requires OS X 10.9 or later.

Mac Installation Instructions

  • Double-click the disk image (.dmg file) to open it, and drag the SAM icon to your applications folder. This adds the SAM.app application to your Applications folder.

NREL does not have an Apple code signing certificate for SAM. If you see a message about verifying SAM that prevents you from starting SAM:

  1. Open a Finder window, go to the Applications folder, and open the SAM disk image.
  2. Control-click the SAM app icon.
  3. Click Open, and follow the prompts to open the application from an unknown developer and save SAM as an exception to your security settings.

For some older versions of OS X, a security feature called Gatekeeper may prevent you from starting SAM. For more on bypassing Gatekeeper, see this CNET article.

If SAM does not display correctly in macOS Dark Mode, close SAM, switch macOS to Light Mode, and then restart SAM.