
SAM 2020.11.29 for Windows


Download (exe, 81.91 MB)


SAM 2020.11.29 requires Windows 10/8 (64-bit).

Windows Installation Instructions

  • Double click the .exe installation file and follow the instructions in the installation wizard. By default SAM will install in the c:/SAM/2020.11.29 folder.

Installation troubleshooting:

NREL does not have a Microsoft code signing certificate for SAM, so when you install the software on a Windows computer, you will likely see messages warning you about the installation:

  • If Windows displays Do you want to allow this app from an unkown publisher to make changes to your device, click Yes to install SAM.
  • If Windows display Windows protected your PC, click More info and then Run anyway to install SAM.

If, when you start SAM after installing it, you see a VCRuntime140_1.dll missing message, run the VC_redist.x64.exe program that comes with your SAM installation. You can find it in the following folder: C:\SAM\2020.11.29\runtime\bin.